Building a brighter web.

We're Optimism, an inbox-first media company that serves inspiring content to millions of readers every day.

Trusted by millions of Americans.

Millions of subscribers start their day with Optimism. That matters to us, which is why we’re committed to keeping our content free and accessible, and because of this a growing community relies on our brands to stay more informed, entertained, and inspired.

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*Source: SparkPost October 2023

You deserve to be in control of the content you consume.

That’s becoming more challenging, however. The growing demand for your attention has pushed many platforms away from serving your best interests. It’s time to take back control. That’s why we chose to start from a place where you can still decide what you want and don’t want to engage with: the inbox. From there, our brands usher readers into rich web experiences.


Our brands bring magazine-quality editorial content to the inbox — emails composed with accuracy and value in mind.

for Everyone

Our brands cover a wide range of topics — allowing you to explore your interests and expand your horizons.

to Inspire

Our brands uplift and inspire — a positive force amidst increasing divisiveness.

Opt-In to Optimism

Better Report newsletter logo

Elevate your everyday

Launched in August 2023, Better Report provides the practical tips and expert advice you need to pare down the complexities of everyday living. Subscribe and save time, effort, and money.

A mockup of the Better Report newsletter in a mobile phone frame
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for everyone

How would you like to start your day? Want to travel to a far-off destination? Build your vocabulary? Have your mind blown by an unbelievable fact or opened by a perspective-shifting story? Our brands offer something for everyone.

Powered by Optimism

An inbox-first media company.

Brand Partners

We deliver targeted and quality traffic to our brand partners, both through the articles we curate and the ads we display across our network. If you’re a publisher or advertiser interested in partnering with us, let’s discuss how we can work together.

Reach Our Audience
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Our Team

We have a team of 50+ editors, writers, designers, and developers, distributed throughout the world, with bases in Denver, New York, and Southern California. Interested in joining the Optimism team? We’re hiring!

Join Our Team
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Inbox Innovators

Have an email series you think would be a good fit for Optimism? We'd love to hear about it. Our in-house brand & innovation studio designs, builds, and launches concepts rapidly, so we're always looking for new ideas to enhance the inbox experience.

Collaborate With Us
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